Friday, April 9, 2010

Classmate Response

I read Jasmine's blog, Recycled cell phones can provide energy. This article was very interesting and I too was like, WOW!! Jasmine stated that, "recycling one cell phone is enough energy to power a laptop for 44 hours!!" This is extremely interesting and I had no idea a cell phone could produce so much energy! I knew cells phones could be recycled, but not so much into energy. What really caught my attention was when Jasmine's blog stated that, "if Americans would recycle 130 million cell phones, enough energy would be saved to power more than 24,000 homes in a year." That is crazy and it blows my mind! I asked myself after reading this, why aren't we conserving, recycling and doing all we can to not only save money, but promote a healthier, safer live. It makes you really think.

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