Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Energy Saving Tips

PG&E. Retrieved from

Energy Saving Tips:

There are many ways to save and reduce the amount of energy being used in your home. One thing that I didn't know and I am sure many of you don't know as well is, if you are not using something but it's still plugged into the wall it's still using electricity. About a year ago, I was watching Oprah and the topic of her show was quick, energy saving tips. A lady came on the show and said she started unplugging everything in the house after she used it, she would only plug it in to use it then she would unplug it when she was done. Just by doing that she had cut her electricity cost by more than half. Her bill went from $65 a month to $20. That is a great way to save energy. There are many more tips including: replacing all bulbs with energy-efficient low-wattage compact fluorescent bulbs, caulk windows and doors so air doesn't leak out, install energy saving shower heads, replace and recycle old refrigerators and appliances with Energy Star labeled models, fix plumbing and dripping faucets, and wash full, short loads in the dishwasher. There are many ways to conserve energy and save money.

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