Thursday, April 8, 2010

Energy Drinks Charts

Images retrieved from:


It didn't surprise me when I saw this chart. The rising number of Americans consuming energy drinks is on the rise, especially in college students and teenagers. I believe it will only continue to rise unless the word gets out about the dangers and health hazards energy drinks has on the body.

I was a little shocked when I saw the second chart, because I thought the South would have the highest amount of energy drinks consumed. I wonder why the Western states consume more energy drinks than any other state. Is it because of California and all the Hollywood stars? Makes you wonder.

This third chart blew my mind! I was surprised that Starbucks coffee was second. There are so many energy drinks it's crazy. They seem to be coming out with a new one every time I turn my back. This new drink called, Cocaine is the intense, extreme energy drink. Offering more caffeine and sugars than all the others.

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