Friday, April 9, 2010

Where I lived, and what I lived for Respose

Thoreau, David Henry. (1854). What I lived, and what I lived for.

Henry David Thoreau essay, What I lived, and what I lived for is an excellent essay. He has many opinions and strong beliefs. I really liked his quote, "Why should we live in such a hurry and waste of time." I can totally agree with Thoreau, we all our full of rush and worries, everything must be at the snap of a finger. I believe what Thoreau is saying or asking in his essay, is why? Why is there that need to be in a hurry all the time, why can't we live and take our time? He makes many interesting points in his essay, and really brings it alive with his own personal opinions and experiences. His last paragraph was my favorite. Thoreau states, "if we are alive, let us go about our business." He is basically stating, there is no need for gossip, rushed of time, and worries. Life is about more than that, as Thoreau says, "live this mean life that we do because our vision does not penetrate the surface of things." Life is about finding happiness and not wasting your precious time on the little things in life.

Wendell Berry Response

Berry, Wendell. (1986). The use of energy.

I thought Wendell Berry's essay was great. He brought up many great points and made you look at energy and machinery in a whole new way. In his essay he talks a lot about how energy is being abused, and the over extreme of machinery use. I really like his quote, "as machines replace skill, they disconnect from life; they come between us and life." This really stood out for me, I agree with Berry, machines and technology are taking over our life's and as he said, "we cannot live by machines." We are a lazy, greedy society and don't want to take the time to learn something by hand, even if it takes longer, we would rather flip a switch and call it good. As Berry said, "It requires more skills to use a team of horses, than to operate a tractor." When will it end? I don't totally agree with the Amish, only because I grew up in a machined filled, technology world, but I do believe in converting, recycling, and better tomorrow. And energy is one of them. If you can recycle something to use towards something else, why not? If you are going to throw it away, why not see if it can put to better use in the future? As Berry stated, "we can destroy it, by wasting it." I really love this quote. He stated it perfectly, by wasting something that had potential, you are indeed, wasting it.

BP Calucatior Results

I am not too sure if I answered all those questions correctly. Some of them I didn't know the answer to, but I did my best. It said my house hold has 20096kwh/yr. I am not sure if that is too low, normal, or high? I recycle everything I can in my home and actually my recycle can is a lot bigger than my trash can. I buy a lot of "go green" things and try to preserve and conserve as much as I can, although I could be a lot better. But I do a lot more than most people can say!

Classmate Response

I read Jasmine's blog, Recycled cell phones can provide energy. This article was very interesting and I too was like, WOW!! Jasmine stated that, "recycling one cell phone is enough energy to power a laptop for 44 hours!!" This is extremely interesting and I had no idea a cell phone could produce so much energy! I knew cells phones could be recycled, but not so much into energy. What really caught my attention was when Jasmine's blog stated that, "if Americans would recycle 130 million cell phones, enough energy would be saved to power more than 24,000 homes in a year." That is crazy and it blows my mind! I asked myself after reading this, why aren't we conserving, recycling and doing all we can to not only save money, but promote a healthier, safer live. It makes you really think.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Energy Saving Light Bulbs

EDF. (No date). Make the switch to energy-saving bulbs. (2009, September, 17). Retrieved from

A great, easy, cheap way to save and convert energy is by replacing all your light bulbs with energy saving fluorescent light bulbs. There are many choices you have to choose from when shopping for energy-saving bulbs. Follow these short, simple steps when choosing a bulb that fits your household needs. The first tip is to look for color temperatures between 2650 and 2850 degrees Kelvin or with the, "warm white" label. Next you will want to know your wattage, size and shape. Look for the Energy Star label located on the front of the box. Lastly, after you change your bulbs, make sure you recycle them.

Energy Drinks Charts

Images retrieved from:


It didn't surprise me when I saw this chart. The rising number of Americans consuming energy drinks is on the rise, especially in college students and teenagers. I believe it will only continue to rise unless the word gets out about the dangers and health hazards energy drinks has on the body.

I was a little shocked when I saw the second chart, because I thought the South would have the highest amount of energy drinks consumed. I wonder why the Western states consume more energy drinks than any other state. Is it because of California and all the Hollywood stars? Makes you wonder.

This third chart blew my mind! I was surprised that Starbucks coffee was second. There are so many energy drinks it's crazy. They seem to be coming out with a new one every time I turn my back. This new drink called, Cocaine is the intense, extreme energy drink. Offering more caffeine and sugars than all the others.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Alternative Energy Drinks

H, Nicki (2010, January 20). Retrieved from

There are other alternatives to get the boost of energy you need in a healthier way. Today on the market are many organic, natural energy drinks that provide nutritional benifits and support your immune system and circulation, without all the caffiene, sugar, chemical, and additives. Instead they are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that promote health and increase energy. Here are the top five organic energy drinks:

Shift Organic Energy Drinks-This drink has 200 calories per 10 oz serving and includes protein to boost energy and repair cells, vitamins B3 and B6 which supports physical endurance. It contains vitamin D, calcium, potassium, and ginseng which boosts the body's immune system. It also contains a natural energy called, Acai.

Odwalla Serious Energy Drinks- This is my personal favorite. They offer many flavors and promotes a healthier body all around. It has 130 calories and has energizing vitamins, B1 and B2 to help increase the metabolism. It also contains Yerba Mate, Green Tea, and Guarana Seeds which all help increase vitality and alertness.

Zion Organic Ginseng Root Drink-
This is a rejuvenation drink containing ginseng, ginger, peanut to reduce tiredness and boost energy. It also promotes circulatory function.

Guayaki Yerba Mate Organic Energy Drink-
Has only 40 calories per serving. It contains 24 vitamins and minerals, 15 amino acids, antioxidants and minimal caffeine to provide energy. This drink helps with mental clarity, digestion, and also helps with weight loss.

Syzmo Energy Drink-
Has 96 calories. Doesn't contain any refined sugars, artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. It also contains yerba mate, guarana, and a small amount of caffeine which is comes from an organic coffee, this is to enhance energy.

Zion Organic Energy Drinks
Guayaki Yerba Mate Organic Energy Drink
Syzmo Energy Drink.