Sunday, April 4, 2010

How To Make An Energy Shake

Hellam, Megan retrieved from

Step One: Gather ingredient's and utensils: a shaker cup, water, juice, or milk and then choose a power supplement that is right for you. Read all labels and find products that are low in sugar. Energy supplements tend to have higher amounts of carbohydrates.

Step Two: Add desire power supplement into the shaker cup, then add 8-12 oz of desired liquid (milk, juice, or water). For an energy drink juice is a better option because it has added vitamins. You can add desired fruits and veggies too.

Step Three: Place the lid on the shaker and shake your shake until the powder is completely dissolved.

Step Four: It is best to drink your energy shake right after exercising, when your muscles are needing fuel to repair themselves after your hard workout. You can also drink an energy shake when you need an extra boost to get you throughout your day.

Step Five: Wash and clean up, dry, and store for later shake use.

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