Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Alternative Energy Drinks

H, Nicki (2010, January 20). Retrieved from

There are other alternatives to get the boost of energy you need in a healthier way. Today on the market are many organic, natural energy drinks that provide nutritional benifits and support your immune system and circulation, without all the caffiene, sugar, chemical, and additives. Instead they are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that promote health and increase energy. Here are the top five organic energy drinks:

Shift Organic Energy Drinks-This drink has 200 calories per 10 oz serving and includes protein to boost energy and repair cells, vitamins B3 and B6 which supports physical endurance. It contains vitamin D, calcium, potassium, and ginseng which boosts the body's immune system. It also contains a natural energy called, Acai.

Odwalla Serious Energy Drinks- This is my personal favorite. They offer many flavors and promotes a healthier body all around. It has 130 calories and has energizing vitamins, B1 and B2 to help increase the metabolism. It also contains Yerba Mate, Green Tea, and Guarana Seeds which all help increase vitality and alertness.

Zion Organic Ginseng Root Drink-
This is a rejuvenation drink containing ginseng, ginger, peanut to reduce tiredness and boost energy. It also promotes circulatory function.

Guayaki Yerba Mate Organic Energy Drink-
Has only 40 calories per serving. It contains 24 vitamins and minerals, 15 amino acids, antioxidants and minimal caffeine to provide energy. This drink helps with mental clarity, digestion, and also helps with weight loss.

Syzmo Energy Drink-
Has 96 calories. Doesn't contain any refined sugars, artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. It also contains yerba mate, guarana, and a small amount of caffeine which is comes from an organic coffee, this is to enhance energy.

Zion Organic Energy Drinks
Guayaki Yerba Mate Organic Energy Drink
Syzmo Energy Drink.

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