Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Energy Drinks 101

Fact Expert (2010, April 7). Retrieved from

Personally I hate all energy drinks, I don't know how people can drink a whole can, let alone become addicted to them! But they are full of pure sugar and caffeine, which most people think they need in their everyday activities. Just like with everything, moderation is the key. Over doing can and will lead to health problems. If you are the occasional energy drinker, you obviously don't have as much to worry about. On the other hand, if you are the everyday, I need an energy drink to get me throughout my day person, then that's when you need to worry. As I said before, energy drinks are full of nothing but bad, caffeine and sugars, by the cups loads! Caffeine is a natural diuretic, which doesn't mean it's good just because the word, "natural" is being used. Natural diuretics are foods/drinks that increase flow and remove fluids from the body. Although this may sound good, but unfortunately you are also losing important vitamins and minerals that are needed for your body and helps with dehydration. Dehydration caused by caffeine is minimal and not too dangerous, but dehydration can impact your body's health and performance, in a negative way.

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